
What is Maha?#

Maha is a Python library that provides simple, yet powerful, functions for dealing with Arabic text. It can be used to clean and parse text, files, and folders with or without streaming capability.


This module provides a number of functions for cleaning Arabic text. These functions are summarized into the following categories:

  • keep_fn: Functions that keep only specific characters in a text.

  • remove_fn: Functions that remove specific characters from a text.

  • normalize_fn: Functions that converts similar characters into one common character.

  • replace_fn: Functions that replace specific characters with other characters.

  • contains_fn: Functions that check if a text contains specific characters.

  • num2text: Contains the logic for converting numbers to text.

These modules expose a simple interface that is used in conjunction with the defined constants as well as the available expressions. Custom constants/expressions are also supported and can be easily used.


>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import keep
>>> sample_text = "البسملة : ( بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ )"
>>> keep(sample_text, arabic_letters=True, harakat=True)
'البسملة بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ'
>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import remove
>>> sample_text = "البسملة : ( بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ )"
>>> remove(sample_text, punctuations=True)
'البسملة بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ'
>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import normalize
>>> sample_text = "أنا وأخي علي في المكتبةِ نَطلعُ على موضوع البرمجه"
>>> normalize(sample_text, alef=True)
'انا واخي علي في المكتبةِ نَطلعُ على موضوع البرمجه'
>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import normalize
>>> sample_text = "أنا وأخي علي في المكتبةِ نَطلعُ على موضوع البرمجه"
>>> normalize(sample_text, alef=False, all=True)
'أنا وأخي علي في المكتبهِ نَطلعُ علي موضوع البرمجه'
>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import contains
>>> sample_text = "أنا وأخي علي في المكتبةِ نَدرسُ البرمجه"
>>> contains(sample_text, arabic_letters=True)
>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import contains
>>> sample_text = "أنا وأخي علي في المكتبةِ نَدرسُ البرمجه"
>>> contains(sample_text, arabic_letters=True, english_letters=True)
{'arabic_letters': True, 'english_letters': False}

Cleaners are robust against most real case scenarios and can output clean text. Check the following example:

>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import remove
>>> sample_text = "#بسم_الله_الرحمن_الرحيم"
>>> remove(sample_text, punctuations=True)
'بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم'

Numbers to text#

Cleaners also support the first robust numbers to text conversion. Check below examples:

>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import numbers_to_text
>>> numbers_to_text("في المكتبة 152 كتاب")
'في المكتبة مائة وإثنان وخمسون كتاب'
>>> numbers_to_text("في المكتبة 152 كتاب", accusative=True)
'في المكتبة مائة وإثنين وخمسين كتاب'
>>> numbers_to_text("يقدر عدد سكان العالم حوالي 7.9 مليار خلال عام 2022")
'يقدر عدد سكان العالم حوالي سبعة فاصلة تسعة مليار خلال عام ألفان وإثنان وعشرون'
>>> numbers_to_text("يقدر عدد سكان العالم حوالي 7.9 مليار خلال عام 2022", accusative=True)
'يقدر عدد سكان العالم حوالي سبعة فاصلة تسعة مليار خلال عام ألفين وإثنين وعشرين'
>>> numbers_to_text("1,111,111")
'مليون ومائة وأحد عشر ألف ومائة وأحد عشر'
>>> numbers_to_text("0.5")
'خمسة من عشرة'
>>> numbers_to_text("0.0033")
'ثلاثة وثلاثون من عشرة آلاف'
>>> numbers_to_text("101.00102")
'مائة وواحد فاصلة مائة وإثنان من مائة ألف'

In addition, numbers_to_text() function is compatible with parse_dimension() numeral parsing. Check the following examples:

>>> from maha.cleaners.functions import numbers_to_text
>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("في المكتبة 152 كتاب"), numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("في المكتبة 152 كتاب", accusative=True), numeral=True)[
...     0
... ].value
>>> parse_dimension(
...     numbers_to_text("يقدر عدد سكان العالم حوالي 7.9 مليار خلال عام 2022"), numeral=True
... )[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("1,111,111"), numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("0.5"), numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("0.0033"), numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(numbers_to_text("101.00102"), numeral=True)[0].value

In general all cleaners provide the same interface. Check the full list of functions here

How cleaners work#

Cleaners rely on regular expressions to clean text. All regular expressions are constructed from your inputs on the fly. They are efficient and fast. We use regex library instead of the built-in re module.


If you need to clean a large amount of text or files, it is recommended to use processors instead.


This module provides a number of rules for extracting useful values from Arabic text. This includes extracting constants and expressions in addition to extracting specific dimensions such as extracting duration, numeral, or time.


Before parsing a text, it is recommended to either remove all harakat using remove() or keep arabic letters only using keep().

The module provides the following simple interfaces to parse text.

  • The parse() function is used to parse any of the available constants and expressions. It is also possible to use custom constants/expressions.

  • The parse_dimension() function is used to parse any of the available dimensions. The available dimensions are duration, time, numeral, ordinal and names. To create your own dimension, check out custom dimension. If you would like to contribute your custom dimension to the project, check contribution guidelines.


  • To extract all ARABIC characters, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse
>>> sample_text = "أنا وأخي في المكتبةِ نَدرسُ برمجه Python "
>>> parse(sample_text, arabic=True, include_space=True)
[Dimension(body=أنا وأخي في المكتبةِ نَدرسُ برمجه , value=أنا وأخي في المكتبةِ نَدرسُ برمجه , start=0, end=34, dimension_type=DimensionType.ARABIC)]
  • To extract emails, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse
>>> sample_text = "الإيميل: test@example.com أو test2@example.com"
>>> parse(sample_text, emails=True)
[Dimension(body=test@example.com, value=test@example.com, start=9, end=25, dimension_type=DimensionType.EMAILS), Dimension(body=test2@example.com, value=test2@example.com, start=29, end=46, dimension_type=DimensionType.EMAILS)]
  • To extract arabic hashtags and all mentions, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse
>>> sample_text = "#مها #maha @Maha @مها"
>>> parse(sample_text, arabic_hashtags=True, mentions=True)
[Dimension(body=#مها, value=#مها, start=0, end=4, dimension_type=DimensionType.ARABIC_HASHTAGS), Dimension(body=@Maha, value=@Maha, start=11, end=16, dimension_type=DimensionType.MENTIONS), Dimension(body=@مها, value=@مها, start=17, end=21, dimension_type=DimensionType.MENTIONS)]
  • To extract arabic hashtags and all mentions, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse
>>> sample_text = "#مها #maha @Maha @مها"
>>> parse(sample_text, arabic_hashtags=True, mentions=True)
[Dimension(body=#مها, value=#مها, start=0, end=4, dimension_type=DimensionType.ARABIC_HASHTAGS), Dimension(body=@Maha, value=@Maha, start=11, end=16, dimension_type=DimensionType.MENTIONS), Dimension(body=@مها, value=@مها, start=17, end=21, dimension_type=DimensionType.MENTIONS)]
  • To extract numerals, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> parse_dimension("العام ثلاثمئة وستة وخمسون يوما او 12 شهرا", numeral=True)
[Dimension(body=ثلاثمئة وستة وخمسون, value=356, start=6, end=25, dimension_type=DimensionType.NUMERAL), Dimension(body=12, value=12, start=34, end=36, dimension_type=DimensionType.NUMERAL)]
>>> parse_dimension("مليون واربعمية وستة عشر", numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension("خمسين فاصلة ثلاثة واربعين", numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension("تسعة عشر الف ومئة", numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension(
...     "تسع وتسعين مليار وتسعة وتسعين الف وتسع مائة وتسع وتسعين ", numeral=True
... )[0].value
>>> parse_dimension("100 وخمسين", numeral=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension("100 و1", numeral=True)[0].value
  • To extract duration, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> parse_dimension("العام ثلاثمئة وستة وخمسون يوما او 12 شهرا", duration=True)
[Dimension(body=ثلاثمئة وستة وخمسون يوما, value=DurationValue(values=[ValueUnit(value=356, unit=<DurationUnit.DAYS: 4>)], normalized_unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>), start=6, end=30, dimension_type=DimensionType.DURATION), Dimension(body=12 شهرا, value=DurationValue(values=[ValueUnit(value=12, unit=<DurationUnit.MONTHS: 6>)], normalized_unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>), start=34, end=41, dimension_type=DimensionType.DURATION)]
>>> parse_dimension("مليون ثانية ودقيقة", duration=True)[0].value
DurationValue(values=[ValueUnit(value=1, unit=<DurationUnit.MINUTES: 2>), ValueUnit(value=1000000, unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)], normalized_unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)
>>> parse_dimension("مليون ثانية ودقيقة", duration=True)[0].value.normalized_value
ValueUnit(value=1000060, unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)
>>> parse_dimension("يوم ونصف دقيقة", duration=True)[0].value
DurationValue(values=[ValueUnit(value=1, unit=<DurationUnit.DAYS: 4>), ValueUnit(value=0.5, unit=<DurationUnit.MINUTES: 2>)], normalized_unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)
>>> parse_dimension("ساعة الا ثلث", duration=True)[0].value.normalized_value
ValueUnit(value=2400, unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)
>>> parse_dimension("يومين و10 ساعات", duration=True)[0].value.values
[ValueUnit(value=2, unit=<DurationUnit.DAYS: 4>), ValueUnit(value=10, unit=<DurationUnit.HOURS: 3>)]
  • To extract ordinal, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> parse_dimension("الأول", ordinal=True)
[Dimension(body=الأول, value=1, start=0, end=5, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL)]
>>> parse_dimension("الثالث والرابع", ordinal=True)
[Dimension(body=الثالث, value=3, start=0, end=6, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL), Dimension(body=الرابع, value=4, start=8, end=14, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL)]
>>> parse_dimension("الخمسين", ordinal=True)[0].value
>>> parse_dimension("الثاني والمئة", ordinal=True)
[Dimension(body=الثاني, value=2, start=0, end=6, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL), Dimension(body=المئة, value=100, start=8, end=13, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL)]
>>> parse_dimension("المليون والعشرين", ordinal=True)
[Dimension(body=المليون, value=1000000, start=0, end=7, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL), Dimension(body=العشرين, value=20, start=9, end=16, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL)]
>>> parse_dimension("الألف والمئتين", ordinal=True)
[Dimension(body=الألف, value=1000, start=0, end=5, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL), Dimension(body=المئتين, value=200, start=7, end=14, dimension_type=DimensionType.ORDINAL)]
  • To extract time, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime(2021, 9, 15)
>>> parse_dimension("غدا", time=True)
[Dimension(body=غدا, value=TimeValue(days=1), start=0, end=3, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME)]
>>> parse_dimension("غدا الساعة الرابعة مساء", time=True)[0].value + now
datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 16, 16, 0)
>>> parse_dimension("السنة القادمة الموافق 15/9", time=True)[0].value + now
datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 15, 0, 0)
>>> parse_dimension("عام الفين وواحد وعشرين", time=True)[0].value
>>> (
...     parse_dimension("الأسبوع الماضي يوم السبت الساعة 11 و30 دقيقة", time=True)[0].value
...     + now
... )
datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 11, 11, 30)
>>> output = parse_dimension("الشهر القادم", time=True)[0].value
>>> output.is_months_set()
  • Hijri date parsing is supported as well:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime(2021, 9, 15)
>>> output = parse_dimension("أول اثنين من شهر جمادى الأول من عام 1443", time=True)[0]
>>> output
Dimension(body=أول اثنين من شهر جمادى الأول من عام 1443, value=TimeValue(year=1443, month=5, day=1, weekday=MO(+1), hijri=True), start=0, end=40, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME)
>>> output.value + now
datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 6, 0, 0)
>>> parse_dimension("بداية رمضان القادم", time=True)[0].value + now
datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 2, 0, 0)
>>> parse_dimension("عام الف واربعمئة وعشرين هجري", time=True)[0].value
TimeValue(year=1420, hijri=True)
>>> parse_dimension("العيد يبدأ اول شوال", time=True)[0].value + now
datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 2, 0, 0)
>>> output.value.is_months_set()
>>> output.value.is_days_set()
>>> output.value.is_hijri_set()
  • It is also possible to extract time intervals as follows:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime(2021, 9, 15)
>>> parse_dimension("من الساعة 9 الى 11 صباحا", time=True)
[Dimension(body=من الساعة 9 الى 11 صباحا, value=TimeInterval(start=TimeValue(am_pm='AM', hour=9, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), end=TimeValue(am_pm='AM', hour=11, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)), start=0, end=24, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME)]
>>> interval = parse_dimension("من 13 هذا الشهر الى 20 الشهر القادم", time=True)[0].value
>>> interval
TimeInterval(start=TimeValue(months=0, day=13), end=TimeValue(months=1, day=20))
>>> interval.start + now
datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 13, 0, 0)
>>> interval.end + now
datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 20, 0, 0)
>>> parse_dimension("الساعة ثلاثة الا ثلث للساعة 4 ونص", time=True)[0].value
TimeInterval(start=TimeValue(hour=2, minute=40, second=0, microsecond=0), end=TimeValue(hour=4, minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0))
>>> parse_dimension("من 6 اكتوبر", time=True)[0].value
TimeInterval(start=TimeValue(month=10, day=6), end=None)
>>> parse_dimension("حتى الرابعة وربع بعد العصر", time=True)[0].value
TimeInterval(start=None, end=TimeValue(am_pm='PM', hour=16, minute=15, second=0, microsecond=0))
  • To extract names, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
>>> parse_dimension("محمد", names=True)
[Dimension(body=محمد, value=محمد, start=0, end=4, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]
>>> parse_dimension("مريم", names=True)
[Dimension(body=مريم, value=مريم, start=0, end=4, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]
>>> parse_dimension("اسمي فاطمة", names=True)
[Dimension(body=فاطمة, value=فاطمة, start=5, end=10, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]
>>> parse_dimension("انا آنا", names=True)
[Dimension(body=آنا, value=آنا, start=4, end=7, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]
>>> parse_dimension("ادهم في المكتبة", names=True)
[Dimension(body=ادهم, value=ادهم, start=0, end=4, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]
>>> parse_dimension("جاك", names=True)
[Dimension(body=جاك, value=جاك, start=0, end=3, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]

How parsers work#

Parsers also rely on regular expressions to extract values from text. Dimension parsers use very sophisticated regular expressions, which we call Rules. Rules are defined in maha.parsers.rules. All rules are optimized, compiled and cached to ensure best performance possible.

Rules can be easily extended, check custom dimension.


This module extends the functionality of cleaners to work on files and folders. It provides a way to process files in a streaming fashion, which is useful for large files. Processors are developed to extend any future classes that can work on files and folders.

The available processors are:


  • To process a simple text, you can do the following:

>>> from maha.processors import TextProcessor
>>> sample_text = """
...  بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
... الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
... الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
... مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ
... إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
... اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
... صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ
... """
>>> processor = TextProcessor.from_text(sample_text, sep="\n")
>>> cleaned_text = (
...     processor.normalize(alef=True).keep(arabic_letters=True).drop_empty_lines().text
... )
>>> print(cleaned_text)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين
الرحمن الرحيم
مالك يوم الدين
اياك نعبد واياك نستعين
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
صراط الذين انعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
>>> # To print the unique characters
>>> unique_char = processor.get(unique_characters=True)
>>> unique_char.sort()
>>> unique_char
[' ', 'ا', 'ب', 'ت', 'ح', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'س', 'ص', 'ض', 'ط', 'ع', 'غ', 'ق', 'ك', 'ل', 'م', 'ن', 'ه', 'و', 'ي']
  • To streamly process a file, you can do the following:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import maha
>>> # This is a sample file that comes with Maha.
>>> resource_path = Path(maha.__file__).parents[1] / "sample_data/surah_al-ala.txt"
>>> from maha.processors import StreamFileProcessor
>>> proc = StreamFileProcessor(resource_path)
>>> proc = proc.normalize(all=True).keep(arabic_letters=True).drop_empty_lines()
>>> # To start processing the file, run the following commented code.
>>> # proc.process_and_save(Path("output.txt"))